Friday, November 18, 2011


Our first visitors were my mom and dad. They flew down to see us about three weeks ago. I can't tell you how excited I was to see them and have them here with us. I was counting down the days till they made it here!

We picked them up from the airport in Dallas and then drove to Fortworth. We saw the stockyards and the fun sites along the main street.

We caught a celebrity at Riscky's Steakhouse totally trying to cover up. ha ha it's my mom! I just think this photo looks exactly like a tabloid.

My dad really liked all the history about the cattle drives that used to go through this town. Probably because he grew up ranching with my grandpa. It's probably the same reason I loved Fortworth the first time I saw it- cause it reminds me of our ranch!

We found a sign with all the "sister cities" to Fortworth and one of them was Toluca, Mexico, where my brother Kevin is serving his mission in Mexico City. We were so excited!

Then we headed to the real reason my parents came to visit- the BYU vs. TCU game! Just kidding they really came to see us. The game was in Cowboy Stadium which is such a cool and enormous stadium.

We couldn't decide if we should watch the game on the field or watch the big screen right in front of us. It was huge! and had a really good picture.

My mom and dad being nerds with their reading glasses.

We lost the game to TCU but I really didn't care too much cause I was too excited for Monday when we would find out the gender of our sweet baby!

I didn't really take many pictures of the rest of the trip. I wish I would have cause it was a blast! The game got over late Friday night so we spent the night at a hotel right on this lake. We woke up in the morning and walked all around it which was really fun.

We drove back to Houston and spent the rest of the weekend relaxing, chatting, and playing games in the park. My mom beat my dad in Bocce ball just for the record.

My parents finally got to see how nice Houston weather can be. The last time they came, it was 105 degrees and 100% humidity.

The best part about the trip (for me) was that they got to come to my ultrasound appointment on Monday, Halloween, to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl. Mitch and I could hardly wait until 2:45. Mitch was sure it was a girl and I was positive it was a boy (I had thought all along it was a boy and I knew for sure when I had a dream I was holding a baby boy the night before the ultrasound. In my dream I also was being a terrible mom and had forgotten to feed the baby again. I'm hoping it's not a sign!) My dad had been calling the baby "Rhett" all weekend (the name we like for a boy) so he was on my side.

We went into the room and got everything ready and soon the ultrasound tech had found the spot. Our little one was not shy! We could all tell it was a BOY! Mitch's face was priceless. I was too busy watching the screen but my mom said she could see a visible weight fall on Mitch's shoulders. He was shocked it was a boy and all the sudden felt a lot more pressure raising a boy. We are so excited! After the appointment, my mom reached into her purse and pulled out a little BYU t-shirt. (She had brought that and a cheerleading outfit in case it was a girl)

I was so sad to see them leave but it helped knowing Thanksgiving was just around the corner.

To celebrate finding out it was a boy, we carved our pumpkins to announce that it was a BOY!

We are so excited about this little guy and love him so much already!


  1. That is so exciting! Congratulations you two! You are going to be amazing parents. I had a dream the night before my ultrasound with Paxton, must be mothers intuition or something.

  2. Oh my goodness- cute post! I am so excited you guys are having a boy- so so fun! And your pregnancy dream is super funny- definitely not a sign, lol.

  3. Omg! A boy!!! That is going to be so much fun! We are so excited for you guys. I'm glad that you had a good time with your parents in town. We miss you guys so much!

  4. Boys are awesome! I am so so so happy for you. I think I just need to drive down there to throw you a shower. What do you think? :-)

  5. we love it when you update your blog! :) the pumpking carving was the cutest idea! can't wait to see you guys in a couple of days!
