Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Waiting on a Baby

I never thought I would be an antsy pregnant lady waiting for my baby to come. I always thought I would be praying for more time one my due date came. Now that I finished at work and our little boy is just one day late, I am starting to get very antsy! I don't know who is feeling more anxious, me or Mitch. I can't tell you how many times Mitch has looked at me and asked, "Anything?" "Any pain?" I have definitely had some contractions but they just stop after about three in a row. We are ready to meet this little guy! But we also know that in about a week, we might be asking ourselves, why were we wishing away our time with just us two? So we decided to have as much fun as we could these past two days. Mitch has a month off of school and I'm done with work so we've just been sleeping in, relaxing, and getting last minute things ready.

Last Thursday morning about 3:30, we weren't sure if my water had broken, so we called the doctor and the doctor said, go in and get checked just in case. About two hours later, we came back home after getting everything checked, I went back to sleep for about half hour, then woke up and went into work.

Mitch was terrified when I woke him up, then ran around and got all of our bags together. You have to have at least one false alarm right? Later that day, after both of us had a long nap, Mitch was like, "That was fun!" Fun? I don't think I would call that fun.

Sunday night, we made smoothies and relaxed by the pool...

On Monday, Mitch let me take some prego pictures with both of us that just turned out pretty cheesy. But at least we documented it.

 We also walked around Hermann Park and saw some baby ducks, a beaver, and some turtles. We were trying to get labor going so we decided to run up the hill by the amphitheater a few times. No luck.

 For Mitch's birthday dinner, we went to Flemmings Steak house (we had a gift card) and our good friend Jerrick was our waiter. He was so nice and made it a perfect night! He gave us free dessert- best molten lava cake I've ever had! I was so full after dinner I thought I might go into labor, but still no luck.

 Today, we went and played tennis to see if we could get labor going. It was super hot and humid and way fun, but still no signs of anything.

 We cooled off and had a picnic at the pool (Mitch jumped in before he felt how cold the water was...freezing!) I just put my feet in. Maybe the shock of the cold water would have put me into labor...?

I think this little guy is waiting for something cause he is not wanting to come yet.

Happy 26th  Birthday Mitch and hopefully you'll get your best birthday present ever!


  1. Haha. What a great post. Kelsie you are the cutest! Can't wait to see your baby when he decides to come!!!

  2. Kelsie you are hilarious. You also have the cutest maternity clothes ever that I'm extremely jealous of. :-)

  3. Tennis the day you go into labor...you go girl!! You both look so excited. I love the gushers and gatorade for the hospital.

  4. Haha I loved this post. Your little guy is sure stubborn isn't he? That's so funny that you tried everything to go into labor and he wouldn't budge. I hope the delivery goes well. Can't wait to see pics of the baby! :0)
